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  1. S Cheng, C Cheung, V Ng, H Lim, K Leung, A Chan, G Hui. Factor Structure, Psychometric Properties, And Correlates Of Revised Chinese Version Of Chronic Pain Coping Inventory Among Chronic Pain Patients In Hong Kong. The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care. 2014 Volume 10 Number 1. 

  2. Ho, F. Y. Y., Chung, K. F., Yeung, W. F., Ng, T. H. Y., & Cheng, S. K. W. (2014). Weekly brief phone support in self-help cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia disorder: Relevance to adherence and efficacy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63, 147-156.

  3. Ho, F.Y., Chung, K.F., Yeung, W.F., Ng, T.H., Kwan, K.S., Yung, K.P., & Cheng, S.K. (2014). Self-help cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sleep Med Reviews

  4. Cheng, S.K.,& Dizone, J. (2012). Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: A Systematic Review and Meta analysis. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 81:206-216. 

  5. Shirley S.L. Leung, Cynthia Leung, T.H. Lam, S.F. Hung, Ruth Chan, Timothy Yeung, May Miao, Sammy Cheng, S.H. Leung, Aster Lau, and Dominic T.S. Lee. Outcome of a postnatal depression screening programme using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: a randomized controlled trial J Public Health first published online September 29, 2010.

  6. Cheng, S.K.W., Chong, G.H.C., Chang, S.S.Y., Wong, C.W., Wong, C.S.Y., Wong, M.T.P., & Wong, K.C. (2006). Adjustment to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Roles of Appraisal and Post-traumatic Growth. Psychology and Health, 21, 301-317. 

  7. Cheng, S.K.W., & Wong, C.W. (2005). Psychological intervention with sufferers from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Lessons learnt from empirical findings. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12, 80-86. 

  8. Cheng, S.K.W.,Wong, C.W., Wong, M., Chang, S., Wong, K.C., Chong, G., Wong, Q., Wong, C., Poon, R., Chan, R., & So S. (2005). Therapeutic responses of health-care workers to patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in the acute phase. Asian Journal of Nursing, 8, 2-8. 

  9. Sheng, B., Cheng, S.K.W., Lau, K.K., Ho, L.L., & Chan, E.L.Y. (2005). The effects of disease severity, use of corticosteroids and social factors on neuropsychiatric complaints in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) patients at acute and convalescent phases. European Psychiatry, 20, 236-242. 

  10. Cheng, S.K.W, Tsang, J.S.K., Ku, K.H., Wong, C.W., & Ng, Y.K. (2004). Psychiatric complications in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): a series of 10 cases. British Journal of Psychiatry, 184, 359-360. 

  11. Cheng, S.K.W., Wong, C.W., Tsang, J. & Wong, K.C. (2004). Psychological distress and negative appraisals in survivors of severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS). Psychological Med, 34, 1187-1195. 

  12. Cheng, S.K.W., Sheng, B., Lau, K.K., Wong, C.W., Ng, Y.K., Li, H.L., Chan, E.L.Y., Tso, E. Y.K., Lam, K., Chau, T.N., & Chiu, M.C. (2004). Adjustment Outcomes in Chinese Patients Following One-Month Recovery From Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Hong Kong. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192, 868-871. 

  13. Cheng, S.K.W. & Cheung, B.K.L. (2004). Psychometric properties and factor structure of Chinese version of Revised Subjective Op Withdrawal rating Scale and Objective Op Withdrawal Rating Scale. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry,14, 2-9. 

  14. Cheng, S.K.W., Wong, C.W., Wong, K.C., Chong, G.H.C., Wong, M.T.P., Chang, S.S.Y., Wong, C.S.Y., Chan, C, Ng, K.O. (2002) Beck Anxiety Inventory: A study of psychometric properties, normative data, and factorial structure. Journal of Chinese Clinical Psychology, 10:4-6。

  15. Cheng, S.K. (2001). Life events, perfectionism, problem solving, depressive symptoms in Chinese. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 25, 303-310. 

  16. Cheng, S.K., & Leung, F. (2000). Catastrophizing, locus of control, pain, and disability in Chinese chronic low back pain patients. Psychology and Health, 15, 721-730. 

  17. Cheng, S.K., Chong, G.H., & Wong, C.W. (1999). Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: A validation and prediction of self-esteem and psychological distress. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 1051-1061. 

  18. Cheng, S.K., & Lam, D.J. (1997). Relationships among stress, problem-solving, self-esteem, and dysphoria in Hong Kong adolescents. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16, 343-355. 


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